Yesterday nite ...My granny had a blackout....wanna thank THE ALMIGHTY that there is no cg.!!!! I CAN BE THERE with her...OR ELSE.... now u people noe y i m constantly have PO????? always think i fake all this out! always think i dun wan to go all out for GOD! always think that i dun wan to stand in gap for cg! always think i only wan to go hme early NOW U NOE Y I ALWA'YS NEED TO BE AT HME? Why u people always doubt me? so wat i m in church for 6 years? CANT A HELPER HAVE PO? at times i may be late for cg or service .... I will have insenstive people coming up to me asking "Y ARE U LATE??? "IN A PHARIEES SPEAKING TONE ...... WTH!!!! R u suzy ????y muz i be accountable to u? Nonetheless i wanna thank God, that i have a understanding leader...Suzy ....who understand wat i m going through...