FaMiLy DaY OuT!

its have been a very long time since my family members gathered together.. We went to happy resturant for lunch.... then bowling at east coast....
I FINALLY CROSS THE 100 POINTS MARK.for the first time in my life.
I achieve a score of 114....i am always pretty lousy with ball games..
if I play basket ball.i will hit my friends 's balls
if I play pool..i will always hit the white ball into the dammn hole
if I play captain ball ,i will sprain my leg.....
if I play soccer...ahhh dun even mention....
look at our unique style of bowling
My brother -The professional style
My sister-the relax style
My mother-The flying kick style
look!!!!she is flying higher...
a closer look....
ME-the falling style ah i will always look clumsy with ball games.....