Closing this blog/the last entry

I am going to close this blog down coz the html of this blog is sooooooooo screwed up n i cant stand it any more i gona miss this blog bo bian..... my new blog will be

i hope people wun be too affected by what i say or rather bitch abt them in my previous posts

myy-veracity means my honesty

so i am juz being honest abt my thoughts and feeling abt them

Things have gone out of proportion
Gossips hurts and destroy
I wana clear things up
but i dont know how to ....
perhaps it better to be misunderstood
the truth shall be prevail soon
i hope
i do cherish this friendship
i am still contructing my new blog....

MY blog is going crAZy again

There is something wrong with the html...i deleted my previous post
coz it was too messy!!!
look at my sign off and u will notice abt it..
Mugging hard for the coming tests on WED
Ms tan promise to give us the correct hint for the test
but today she disappoint us ..she told us to study for
net work diagram..u mean out of 5 chapters
u want us to study on net work diagram only?
(she dont even noe what is net work diagram)
errm...r u sure u qualify to be a lecturer?
I totally agree with joanne..
i dont give a damm abt where u all are going!!!
i am totally not interested!!!
so u dont have to keep it away from me!!!
i finally noe ur true nature..